Fiddler's Creek Life in Naples

Just take a loFiddler's Creek Concertok at The Social Calendar!  If you're bored at Fiddler's Creek, it's because you're not trying.  They have an amazing staff that keeps ensures that fun is on the schedule every day.  There are BBQs, art classes, dinners and happy hours.  There is Bridge, Canasta and Octoberfest.  There is something for everybody on that calendar.  If you don't see what you need, just ask.  I'm sure they'll accommodate you.

The staff takes care of less frivilous topics as well.  There are flu shot events, Medicare seminars and toy drives around the holidays.

There are several BIG events every year that you can't miss.  The New Years Eve party is famous.  They aren't having any more fun in Times Square than we are here at Fiddler's Creek.  I assure you.  The Valentine's Day Dinner/Dance is another awesome event.  If you're in town on July 4th, our Independence Day party is the best.

All of these great events are there for the taking.  Participate as much or as little as you like.  Own Fiddler's Creek real estate and you design your own lifestyle.  You just have a huge palette of colors from which to choose.